Service, Air Quality and Energy

Fire Damper Drop Testing
Fire and smoke dampers are installed within a buildings heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system to prevent smoke and flames passing between compartments/rooms.
It is vitally important that fire resisting dampers are adequately fire tested and are installed in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s instructions. Such instructions must take into account site conditions.
Once installed dampers must be regularly checked to ensure they are functional and will properly protect building occupants in the event of a fire.
Maintaining Fire Dampers to Ensure Compliance.
BS9999 Fire Damper Regulations, calls for the following:
“Arrangements should be made for all fire dampers to be tested by a competent person on completion of installation and at regular intervals not exceeding 2 years, and to be repaired or replaced immediately if found to be faulty.
Spring operated fire dampers should be tested annually and fire dampers situated in dust laden and similar atmospheres should be tested much more frequently, at periods to suit the degree of pollution.”
HTM03-1 also calls for fire dampers in hospitals to be tested every 12 months.
GVS Offer fire damper testing alongside other filter maintenance. We also provide a full range of air filters, manufactured in the UK to the latest European Standards Please contact one of our sales team for details and pricing.
Deposit Thickness Testing
This is carried out to check the overall mean deposit levels inside a ventilation system. You are required to obtain a minimum of 3 locations per system, 1 downstream from the fan unit another at the midway point then the last at the end of the duct. Each test is carried out by placing a template inside the duct with 20 holes cut out on it, the probe is placed in each hole, after the 20 readings are taken the template is removed the surface wiped clean then the template returned with another 20 readings taken, this then gives you the average deposit build up in microns. The levels are not to exceed 60um for supply & recirculation systems & 180um for extract systems. It is recommended that the systems be tested on an annual basis.
Kitchen Extract Cleaning
Kitchen extracts are cleaned to prevent the risk of fire & attracting vermin. All systems should be cleaned on an annual basis as a minimum. The TR19 Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems quotes the following regimes:
Kitchen usage: 3-6 hours a day – 12 monthly
6 – 12 hours a day – 6 monthly
Over 12 hours – 3 monthly
Air Handling Unit Cleaning
Air handling units (AHU’S) have no set cleaning regime recommended. However keeping units clean will extend life and reduce running costs. The units along with associated ductwork should be tested for cleanliness on an annual basis visually with photographs & microbiological (fungal & bacterial) sampling. A good code of practice is to have the units inclusive of the inlet section & heater coils cleaned and sanitised on an annual basis. AHU’s are prone to dust & deposit build up particularly during winter months.
All cleaning works should be carried out to TR19 Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems.
GVS offer a range of audited cleaning services alongside other filter maintenance as well as a full range of air filters, manufactured in the UK to the latest European Standards. Please contact one of our sales team for details and pricing.
Energy Surveys
It is common that it costs a lot more to USE an air filter, than it does to BUY one. Dispensing with pre-filters to reduce energy consumption will depend on the location of the pre-filter within the system. As a guide, if the pre-filter is located immediately after the air inlet and before system components, with the secondary filter positioned after the system components, the pre-filter is providing a valuable service in protecting the system from large particulate matter and should be retained. Pad-filters will reduce ongoing replacement costs as once the frame is installed the replacement pads are lower-cost than a pleated panel filter. However, if the system can operate effectively with a high capacity pleated panel this retains the ability to reduce energy cost due to the vastly increased air filtration surface area.
Air Quality Surveys
With air quality in many city centres falling below acceptable WHO levels. It is becoming increasingly important to ensure that the air entering buildings is properly treated. Compliance with EN: 13779 and the opportunity for building owners to achieve, and have certified, the highest level of indoor air quality and the potential for additional revenue demands an assessment of indoor and outdoor air. GVS on site services can provide a full monitoring service whether designed to meet the requirements of EN: 13779 or to establish cause and the necessary changes required to resolve any indoor air quality issue.
Total Filter Management
The concept of Total Filter Management was pioneered by the GVS on site services division over ten years ago. The objective was to provide a single centre of expertise able to manage all aspects of air quality within a building, either direct to the owner or the FM company contracted to provide general building management. GVS on site services has the experience and expertise to ensure that their clients meet all regulatory requirements now and in the future. Clients select either all or specific services available according to their requirements.